Get to know Nuvaria Global


Naves de Nuvaria en Hinojos, Huelva

Our evolution

The company that has transformed the household cleaning and personal hygiene sectors was founded in Seville in 1978: NUVARIA.

Our continuous growth allows us to have more than 20,000 m2 of production and storage facilities distributed throughout Seville, Barcelona and Italy with offices in Madrid. With an international presence in more than 30 countries.

More than 40 years of experience guarantee our products and services, offering more than 1,500 articles and producing 65 million units per year. All this thanks to our strong human team and our constant commitment to innovation, always with the latest technological advances at our disposal.

But we are also committed to inspiration. To this sometimes almost imperceptible added value that only some products have.

Our continuous effort is the key to success in order to innovate and to meet our challenge of expansion in a global market.

Get to know us


We create products that generate value by satisfying the needs of personal hygiene and household cleaning.


We want to be a manufacturer with international projection and sustained profitability, creating brands and recognisable products that can surprise, enhance well-being and are a reflection of the enthusiasm and commitment of the people who make up Nuvaria.

Nuvaria misión y visión
El trabajo en equipo en Nuvaria


Our sales, customer service and marketing departments, our production processes, procurement, quality... all our professionals are perfectly prepared to develop the most suitable product, on time, and with excellent value for money.

Behind the innovation, quality products and service of Nuvaria, there is a multidisciplinary and specialised team of more than 100 professionals committed to the company ready to work closely with you.

R & D

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” said Arthur C. Clarke, and we agree.

Our laboratory is committed to manufacturing innovative products that enhance well-being by making people's lives easier.

Laboratorio de Nuvaria
Nuvaria y la responsabilidad social

Socially responsible

Nuvaria strives to be an organisation that is aware of those most in need and stands with them. It therefore collaborates with various non-governmental organisations and social centres, particularly local and regional: nursery schools, colleges, secondary schools, associations and other disadvantaged groups.


Quality is a fundamental value for Nuvaria. We carry out exhaustive quality controls in order to develop products that are increasingly precise and satisfactory, guaranteeing their reliability. Nuvaria is a company certified by AENOR based on the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 and UNE-EN-ISO ISO-14001:2015 standards.

pdfQuality certificate ISO 9001

pdfEnvironmental certificate ISO 14001

pdf iconoManagement Certificate IQNet

pdf iconoEnvironmental Certificate IQNet

pdf iconoQuality and environment policies (Hinojos).

pdf iconoQuality and environment policies (Castellbisbal).

pdf iconoQuality management cert. ISO-9001 at Castellbisbal

pdf iconoEnvironmental cert. ISO-14001 at Castellbisbal

pdf iconoManufacturing and commercialization of cosmetics certification at Castellbisbal ISO 22716

pdf iconoCertificate IFS HPC

Quality of our products:

pdf iconoPORSI – List of ingredients

Nuestros certificados de calidad


Data protection

Legal information

Information sheet

Contact us

+34 959 459 669

Trade office

Calle de Orense, 58 - 8º C

28020 Madrid


Production plant

P.I. las Dueñas, Vial A

21740 Hinojos, Huelva


Production plant

P.I. Comte de Sert, Industria, 8

08755 Castellbisbal, Barcelona


fondos next generation UE, financiado por la UE

NUVARIA GLOBAL, S.L. ha recibido una ayuda de la Unión Europea con cargo al Fondo NextGenerationEU, en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Trasformación y Resiliencia, para el despliegue e integración de las energías renovables y, en su caso, infraestructuras eléctricas, promoción de redes inteligentes y despliegue de la flexibilidad y el almacenamiento dentro del programa de incentivos ligados al autoconsumo y almacenamiento, con fuentes de energía renovable, así como la implantación de sistemas térmicos renovables en el sector residencial del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, gestionado por la Junta de Andalucía, a través de la Agencia Andaluza de la Energía.

© Copyright 2018, Nuvaria Global S.L. - All rights reserved.